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Master Lead Management for Google Local Service Ads in 2023

Andrew Gillings
October 3, 2023
Master Lead Management for Google Local Service Ads in 2023

Local Service Ads (LSAs) are indispensable for local brands on the hunt for cost-effective leads. But let's face it: Your ROI is intimately linked to how well you manage these leads. If you've been skimming the surface of GLSA's potential, this in-depth guide serves as your master blueprint for navigating the intricacies of lead management on the Google Local Service Ads platform. 

Account Access

To kick things off, you'll need access to the Google Local Service Ads platform. Simply navigate to Google Local Services Ads

Each business location should use one shared account to access its specific Google Local Service Ads. This account will let you manage leads, view reports, and handle other tasks.

Navigating the Account

Upon logging in, you're most likely greeted by the "Leads Inbox" page. This interface will become your go-to space.

This is where you will likely spend the most time, but you can also expand the left navigation menu by clicking the three stacked lines in the upper left corner. (see next page for an example)

The options included in your menu might differ slightly from the one shown here, but this is how you’ll be able to reach the other available pages if the need arises.

Receiving Leads

Your GLSA account can channel leads in two main ways:

  • Phone calls directed to your standard business line.
  • Text-based messages within your GLSA account (referred to as "messaged leads").

For phone calls, an automated message announces the origin of the call as coming from a Local Service Ad. 

If a messaged lead is submitted, the shared email address you used to log in to the account should receive a notification via email.

Lead Statuses

Leads are categorized under varying statuses, each signifying a stage in the lead lifecycle:

New: Freshly minted leads fall under this category. Aim to move them out of this status within 24 hours.

Active: These leads are currently being engaged. Keep them here if you're awaiting a follow-up call or maintaining text correspondence.

Booked: When a lead schedules an appointment, it moves to "Booked." This serves as a holding area for those who've shown intent but haven't fully committed.

Completed: Once a lead successfully transitions to a client, it's marked "Completed."

Archive: This serves as the resting place for leads that don't convert. Archiving leads informs Google's machine learning algorithms about which prospects are not a good fit for your business. This helps the platform better allocate your budget toward leads that are more likely to convert.

Managing Received Leads

After a lead is received - in either call or message form - it will be important to update its associated status within the GLSA platform. This is done via the Lead Inbox page of the account, which can be found by clicking on the “Leads” tab in the left menu. 

By selecting one of the status tabs containing leads, you’ll see the inbox populate with all relevant entries. From there, you just need to click on a lead to open the detailed view.

On the “Potential Customer” page, you’ll be able to update the customer’s important contact information, respond to messaged leads, or update their booking status. 

Names, emails, and notes are simply added and saved by typing them in their respective field. 

If the lead originated from a message, the “Conversation” section will be expanded and include a basic text messaging window where you can communicate with the potential customer.

Finally, the “Archive” and “Mark Booked” buttons are present at the top of the page

Lead management in Google Local Service Ads is crucial, impacting not just immediate ROI but also shaping your future ad performance. Each managed lead educates Google's algorithms, fine-tuning your advertising efficiency. The key to success lies in constant monitoring and timely adjustments. 

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